From: Martin Joseph (
Date: Mon May 17 2004 - 15:40:25 PDT
On May 17, 2004, at 3:09 PM, noiseiskinky wrote:
> After a some surfing an mail retrieving newton became really slow
> (maybe I've small memory space free). I've resetted the newton and
> again the error some seconds after everithing has started and I've
> lost the ppp setup...
This sounds like a scary kind of version/expression of the bug that
Eckhart is working on...
Maybe it will provide him with a hint I hope.
With Blunt, I find I am able to connect, but then I see an error like
-16xxx. This happens most often in Mail V, but not when connected via
Wifi (which is MUCH faster). Looks like 30kbps is the fastest speed I
see from my GPRS(tested via OSX).
I don't have any problems rebooting though.... That seems like a scary
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