From: Grant Hutchinson (
Date: Mon May 17 2004 - 21:07:01 PDT
In a previous message, Thomas Isenbarger typed vigorously:
>are there error logs kept anywhere on the newton?
Some specific applications and packages maintain their own log files (or
soups), but there is no centralized means of recording such messages.
Other applications have debug versions available (SimpleMail, for
example) which can optionally produce a detailed report of specific
actions and errors. Again, this is not a global feature of the Newton
You can install BugTrap to capture and report crashes and errors as well.
BugTrap will spit out a note into your NotePad application documenting
what happened during the crash or error.
Lastly, if you ever get an alert message (the small window with the wavy
edges), you can tap the overview dot next to the scroll arrows and see a
list of all alert messages displayed since you last restarted your Newton.
>also, in newt's cape, there is only one line for errors. is there
>a way to make this bigger? some of the errors seem to be cut off
>so i don't know what went wrong.
BugTrap may be able to with this.
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