Re: [NTLK] eMate replacement ribbon cables

From: Humphreys, David (
Date: Tue May 18 2004 - 05:59:28 PDT

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Duane Minish []
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 9:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: [NTLK] eMate replacement ribbon cables
> Hello list,
> I've been subscribed for awhile, and enjoy reading the
> messages posted...
> ...But, I wanted to post that I did purchase one of Ferdi's ribbon cable
> replacements for my eMate...

It's funny how these testimonials appear just when Ferdi's ribbon
cable replacements are about to get a new sales kick.

Welcome to the list Duane. I see you are posting your glowing report
from Canada. Did you know that Ferdi lives in Canada too? What a
coincidence! And, let me guess, you paid $49 for it? Right?

Well, whatever you paid it is TOO much.

He has the ability to sell them MUCH more cheaply than he is doing.

Listen up gang. He recently tried to cut a deal with me. Without going
into details he wanted to use my good name in order to win back his
wretched reputation here on Newtontalk. Now I know that some of you have
had good transactions with him and that is wonderful for you but his
business practices leave a lot to be desired.

I am not advising anyone that they shouldn't deal with him. I AM advising
that they think about the following:

On a number of occasions Ferdi has expressed that he doesn't wish to make
a profit on these cables (a fact that he specifically told Anil to put on
his webpage). Yet, when I suggested that he sell them to the community for
cost, he had any number of excuses as to why he couldn't do this.

I had offered to endorse his product (after physical review) if he sold them
at cost. This would make the cable available to more people, increase his kudos
and at least break even.
He walked away from the table when I suggested this.

I am sure that there will be those of you who will decide to buy from him at
whatever price he sets. That's fine. If you enter into a deal with him knowing
the facts I have stated here that's entirely your choice.

His ultimate goal is to ingratiate himself with the community.

Question is: Will you let him?

My off-the-shelf solution is being evaluated by Frank Gruendle. If it is viable
it will be available for far, far less that Ferdi's cable. To be fair, it isn't
the same as the original cable but it IS a flex cable and it get the job done at
a fraction of the cost and, well, I have the GOOD reputation ;)

Different subject.

Be advised that the SER-001 and EM-300 boards will be ready for sale again shortly.
We are in the midst of a house move so things are a bit hectic.

Design of the DVT ROM board is coming together. You will then be able to fix all
OS errors, add new features and have additional user storage space.

Gearshift is almost done.



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