Re: [NTLK]

From: Thomas Isenbarger (
Date: Tue May 18 2004 - 09:02:29 PDT

On 18 May 2004, at 11:26, David Ensteness wrote:

> DHCP is completely unrelated to AppleTalk so your conclusion about that
> is correct.
> My opinion on the matter is that lots of people have monkeyed around on
> getting their connections to work and in doing so turn lots of settings
> on and off. They then tell others to turn on this or that not knowing
> for certain if it brings the desired affect, just knowing it was one of
> the things they tried.
> If you want your Newton to access the internet via the internet
> connection your Mac has, then you need internet sharing on. If you just
> want a connection between your Newton and your Mac, then internet
> sharing has no significance. AppleTalk must be turned in System
> Preferences/Network on the appropriate network interface [like say
> AirPort or Ethernet] and note you can only have it on one interface at
> once.
> David

I think that is exactly the case. I diregarded what people told me,
reset everything back to normal, and tried what I thought should work.
I finally got a Newton to Computer connection to work (but not internet
access via internet sharing. . .yet). I hope this is clear enough (the
kind of directions I was hoping to get from my queries) to help others
who might search the archives someday for help.

what i found to work:

on the computer (this is for Mac OS X 10.3.3 running on a 15"
Alumininum Powerbook G4, 1 GHz, with an Airport Extreme card):

1. Appletalk must be active for the Airport connection on the computer
(System Preferences > Network > Show Airport > AppleTalk > Make
AppleTalk active > Apply Now).

2. In A) the menubar if there is an Airport item there, or
          B) in Internet Connect > Airport, choose Create Network (it
doesn't have to be called "Newton", but it is case sensitive).
               Mine is called RuvkunG4PB3 and is set on channel 11

3. Internet sharing is off

4. Launch Escale and wait for Ethernet access to be active (indicated
by the icon looking something like this <---> becoming black and not

on the Newton (mine is a MP2100 with Lucent WaveLAN silver)

1. Wireless card is set to work in infrastructure mode (channel is not
important). This also worked in ad-hoc mode. I didn't try ad-hoc
(old-fashioned) mode.

2. In Dock, I choose connect via Appletalk, choose other computer and
RuvkunG4PB3 shows up. Now instead of where it used to say "Desktop
computer" it says "RuvkunG4PB3", so I don't have to choose "other
computer" any more.

3. Do stuff

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