From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Tue May 18 2004 - 09:10:33 PDT
Aux environs du 18/05/04 à 12:02 -0400, sous le titre "Re: [NTLK]", Thomas Isenbarger prit sa plus belle
plume pour écrire les mots suivants:
>4. Launch Escale and wait for Ethernet access to be active (indicated
>by the icon looking something like this <---> becoming black and not
Actually, this is the AppleTalk icon.
>1. Wireless card is set to work in infrastructure mode (channel is not
>important). This also worked in ad-hoc mode. I didn't try ad-hoc
>(old-fashioned) mode.
I noticed that this setting has no importance with Lucent cards, but
it does with other cards. With other cards, you would need to connect
in ad-hoc mode (with the channel set properly to 11).
>2. In Dock, I choose connect via Appletalk, choose other computer and
>RuvkunG4PB3 shows up. Now instead of where it used to say "Desktop
>computer" it says "RuvkunG4PB3", so I don't have to choose "other
>computer" any more.
You have to do it to activate AppleTalk on the Mac. In your case,
AppleTalk was active (hence the black <...> icon in Escale), but if
there is no other computer connected to the network, MacOS X shuts
the interface down and you need to hook the Newton to the network
with choosing "other computer" to have the Mac fire the interface up.
Then you have to wait for 10 seconds before the AppleTalk stack is
completely up and Escale's service is registered.
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