From: Dan (
Date: Fri May 21 2004 - 17:04:10 PDT
>i recently downloaded and played around with DateMan (holy cow this
>thing has lots of options)
>after i went through all the settings and figured out how most things
>work, i realised that it's shareware. is it still? can anyone
>recommend a freeware app that is a good replacement/enhancement to the
>dates app? also, what about for Notes and any of the other internal
Yes it still is shareware and Stand Alone Software still has a page on their
site to regester. As for freeware, there
is Action Names which was released as freeware (check the archives for
unziping and password information). There are some problems with it though,
becuase it uses its own soups for some things. And while it does have a
coverter so if you want to move your data back to the built-in apps, it is
not perfect. For example if you convert your Calls back to the standard
soup, all the calls the "Name" line will be blank. So if you want to
convert back make sure to have the "Name" line copied to the the notes part
of the slip before you convert or you will have a lot a nameless calls.
This was the only problem I really had with it. But I do seem to remember
someone else encountering one other, check the archives as I can't recall
the details at the moment.
>also, is it possible to add a "Notes" button to the button bar on the
Which version of Newton do you have? If you have a MP2000, you just open
the extras drawer and tap and drag a icon to the bottom bar. If you have a
1x0 machine, then the buttions are silk screaned and not possible to change.
However you can get Guesture Launch and you can set up a letter (or number)
drawn over a buttion to activate notes. The only other posiblity is to use
Quick Launch or some other app that gives you a list of your favorite app
that is always on top.
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