Re: [NTLK] Dateman

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Sat May 22 2004 - 00:50:48 PDT

Actually, the only "problem" with Action Names is that it uses its own
soups for Calls and ToDos. If you call that a problem... If you want to
sync ToDos, you will need to convert them to Newton Soup format, and
yes, you will lose titles, but why sync todos? For me, ToDos are those
fleeting things, and to have them in two places is both redundant and
confusing. I used to have more problems when I tried to sync than
later, when I stopped. After I bought AN, I stopped syncing my todos,
and discovered I was happier that way. :-)

My experience with these programs was that both DateMan and More Info
corrupted my ToDo soups, causing me serious problems. Granted, I was
using them in demo mode, but they got me nervous. I also have to
confess that this was on a 120 machine that had been upgraded to NOS 2,
and was using the then still-beta NCU. I never got NCU to properly sync
on that Newton, so it might have been a problem with that particular
Newton. In the end, I bought Now Sync, and used that to do my syncing,
and was very happy with it, but could never get it to sync ToDos, and
using More Info and Dateman with it caused massive corruption in my
ToDo soup.

Like I said, this was many years ago, and I have no idea how they would
work with NCU or better, the OS X sync apps like NewtSync or Escale.
Since many many people use both programs, however, I presume that they
work fine. But for me, I've stuck with Action Names because that's what
I've always used. Even though I use a 2100 now, I've never bothered
trying the others...

BTW, I heartily recommend trying out TimeTraxx.... It's an amazing
front-end to your Dates. it isn't quite like the others, but you might
find it more than sufficient. Someday, I would like to switch from AN
to TimeTrax. I just haven't done it yet...

On May 22, 2004, at 2:04 AM, Dan wrote:

> There are some problems with it though,
> becuase it uses its own soups for some things. And while it does have
> a
> coverter so if you want to move your data back to the built-in apps,
> it is
> not perfect. For example if you convert your Calls back to the
> standard
> soup, all the calls the "Name" line will be blank. So if you want to
> convert back make sure to have the "Name" line copied to the the notes
> part
> of the slip before you convert or you will have a lot a nameless calls.
> This was the only problem I really had with it. But I do seem to
> remember
> someone else encountering one other, check the archives as I can't
> recall
> the details at the moment.

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
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