From: Laurie Kern (
Date: Sun May 23 2004 - 09:02:27 PDT
I can not get my MP100 to connect to my PC.
Here is how I am set up:
I have my official newton serial cable to go from my PC (running WinXPPro)
to my MP100
I have installed the Newton Connection Kit 2.0.
My system.ini has the line: DEVICE = C:\NEWTON\TSIVID.386 in the [386enh]
I did reboot.
When I go to extras and tap Connection, I select DOS or WindowsPC, then tap
connect.The waiting for response slip appears then after about a minute or
so I get a slip stating "The connection has stopped because there was no
So, any words of wisdom for me?
Laurie (another newton newbie)
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