From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 02:02:15 PDT
>In a previous message, DJ Vollkasko typed vigorously:
>>-- the FAQ is very instructive.
>>[Grant, Victor, Paul - wasn't the FAQ supposed to be updated since over a
>>year ago? Just askin', mates, jus' askin! ;=} ]
>Doh. The FAQ is my responsibly now. I took it over from Daniel Padilla -
>who had very little time to work on it after taking it off of Paul
>Guyot's plate. It seems that I have also over estimated the number of
>spare cycles I have to work on it.
No offense meant! I just remember being a bloody §$%&!-newbie and reading
about an update being immanent... Musta been September or October...
>And yes, it has been over a year since an updated version has been
>distributed. This doesn't mean it has been
>completely ignored... I have been integration fixes and suggestions fed
>to me through the list.
I find that in some areas the FAQ is much behind - Bluetooth, IrDA, DCL...
Some stuff that were truths then have meanwhile been shown to be wrong, if
I'm not mistaken. Many links are dead and could be replaced by links to the
Wayback machine where available.
>However, I have also been trying to reorganize
>the FAQ a bit, making it more usable. More like the Wiki actually.
What I miss the most: Search feature + index. The hierachical structure is
too steep - e.g. where do I find connectivity info? Is that "Hardware" or
"Software"? And the bits that are there are splattered all over the place.
>And speaking of the Wiki...
I'm listening...
>What are people's thought on the prospect of integrating the knowledge
>built up in the FAQ into the Wiki? I love the fact that the Wiki is a
>living, multi-author document.
>Something that the FAQ has tried to do in
>the past, but that I think it has grown past.
The Newton FAQ is THE LAW: Thou shalt not have another FAQ beside it, etc.
I think there'd be a certain possible coexistence: Put the FAQ 100% up at
the Wiki, so everybody can add, append, fix and update. But also keep the
static edition of THE LAW and it's mirrors. The Wiki links these, and they
link to the Wiki.
Once or twice a year, you would compare the Wiki-edition with THE LAW, and
where the Wiki-version has changed for the better, that's integrated to THE
LAW. The spoiled parts and outdated stuff will be dumped from the FAQ and
put on a Wiki-Page as FAQ-Apocrypha. Then the Wiki-FAQ will be replaced by
a fresh version of THE LAW's text, and the next communal review cycle will
What do you say?
(working on the next part of his SimpleMail 4.3-Guide for Morons(TM) ;=} )
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