Re: [NTLK] 300 Battery Pack Rebuild and Questions

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Sat May 29 2004 - 16:32:46 PDT

Drew Golden wrote:

> 1.) How can I tell if they are upgraded / enanced with extra memory?
> I looked at the bottom and it appears there are two memory slots with
> sims in both slots - does that mean they are ugraded?

Looking at the bottom of the eMate, with the handle pointing away from you,
the left slot is for the memory upgrade and the right slot is the NewtonOS ROM.

> 2.) After the brain wipe, can I easily tell if they were upgraded?

Just go to Extras -> i -> Memory Info. If the System RAM is 3900K, and
there's around 3500K free storage on Internal, then you've got the upgrade.

> 3.) I had read the site that dealt with the batt-pack rebuild. I am
> going to attempt this, but can find not rechargables with soldering
> clips, so, how hard is it without the clips?

It's still doable but you should be really careful not to apply too much heat
too the batteries.

> 4.) Mac OS X sync? Is it easy? How can I do it with a iMac flatpanel
> 17" - without spending a bunch of money on a serial port usb adaptor?

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