[NTLK] Important Notice to ALL Buyers of this List...

From: Mark Jozaitis (sales_at_macsruscomputers.com)
Date: Sat Nov 13 2004 - 14:46:23 PST

Hello All...
I have been getting many returns as you all know,
however some of the ones we got back were actuly as
cloese as new you can get with out being new... I'm
not pointing fingers but please do NOT take advantage
of our returns, only if you got one and it was NOT as
discribed... Also there were some complaints of
packing, well I would like to just fill you all in on
our paking system... We but NEW Boxes and packing to
send out items out, and per Newton it costs about
$2.82 for packing, and the shipping to the 48 States
it costs on average of $6-$12. however I only charge
$7 to ship them, I really don't want to have to raise
shipping costs, as it would be paid by you (the
buyer)... I never over price anything, but since
there is so much complaints, we have got more packing
for the Newton's to be shipped with, but I would just
like to say that after years of shipping we know that
our packing is good and can with stand tuff beatings
buy the shippers... We will not be rasing costs for
shipping, however I wanted to let you all know...
Also to people OUTSIDE the USA, if buying from any of
our sites, shipping is more, it is pre-set to the
USA... Please e-mail for shipping quoutes first...

Thanks For All Your Help!
Mark Jozaitis

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