Re: [NTLK] PC Serial Connection Problems with 2100

From: Dan (
Date: Mon Nov 15 2004 - 22:13:24 PST

> I went ahead and tried to install something to the 120 again just to try it
> out - and it worked just fine.
> How is it that the 120 works and the 2100 doesn't? Is it possible the
> dongle? What's in there that could come loose?
> I have reset the Newton. I have pulled out all cards. Pulled out and
> replaced the batteries. Nothing.
> Thinking it must be a problem with my computer I went to another computer in
> the apartment - thinking that I might have somehow messed up because I
> previously used my 120 with the program. SO I installed NCU on a computer
> that has NEVER had it before, plugged in the Newton and... could not
> connect. Tried each baud setting, etc.
> Anyone have any ideas? I'm at a brick wall and I am severely bummed about
> this.
> Windows users with 2100s? Anyone?

Well since you can install/backup with your 120 and NCU it means that
your cable is ok, your serial port is working fine, and NCU is working.

First I would try connecting your newton and PC THEN starting up NCU.
Check in your NCU settings that you are indeed on 9600baud and listening
is on. Another thing to try is set it for 36000 baud and set your 2100
for just "serial" connection, that is the default speed of 36000.

If you still don't get anything I would suggest seeing if you can find
someone you know that has a dongle that they know is good and computer
that connects to a 21000 fine and test yours. It sounds like either
your dongle is bad or more likely your Newton Interconnect port is bad.
  The 2x000 can have this problem and the best thing to do if you just
purchased the newton is to get a replacement. If that is not feesable,
then get a PCBMan's SER-001 board which installs internally and gives
you a round DIN port that you can connect your cable to (this is the
best method anyway as the Newton Interconnect port is known to fail
eventually depending on use).


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