Re: [NTLK] handwriting question

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Oct 14 2004 - 10:13:16 PDT

On 14/10/04 12:55, "Dr. Paul Jerry" <> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I have a question. I own an MP120 which I use once in a while now (used to
> live out of it...). I am looking for a portable solution and wondered - is the
> handwriting recognition on the 2100 any better (accuracy) than the 120
> (running NOS 2.0)? I understand that the speed is better, but my question is
> about the accuracy. Thanks in advance.

I think you can say it is better. As I understand it, having owned an NOS
2.0 120 and now an MP2100, when using printing as my writing style, I can
write all kind of accented characters on the 2100 that were not possible on
the 120. So, the recognizer in the 2.1 NOS was sligthly improved over the
version in the NOS 2.0, I think. There might have been other small
improvements in other areas that I'm not aware of...


Laurent Daudelin                 Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae                Washington, DC, USA
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