From: Leonard Sitongia (
Date: Fri Oct 15 2004 - 12:50:16 PDT
I resurrected my Newton because... well, it's awesome, and I'm so
frustrated by trying to get my Zaurus or Sony Clie to sync with Mac OS
It's been years since I last looked into this, and I'm simply amazed
and impressed by the wonderful work still developing on the Newton!
I'm having a hard time with wireless... I've done a lot of searching,
and I see that people have been successful with the same configuration
I have...
Newton MP2000 (2100 upgrade)
Apple Airport Base Station (early generation, grey, having a Lucent
Silver, I think)
Lucent Silver wireless card
I've installed all the usual packages, I think, but I wonder if there's
some conflict in there... the wavelan support, more wifi cards, nie 2,
nie patch, lantern patch...
I've also tried connecting to my Buffalo airstation and Cisco access
points at work.
No WEP is in use (even at work, where there's a more complicated method
for access...)
DHCP never works.
What would seem to be the best scenario is with my Airport configured
to pass through connections, i.e., it doesn't assign IP addresses.
When I try a wireless Mac with that airport configuration, I correctly
get a DHCP address assigned by the router that's on the other side of
my Buffalo airstation link. Newton doesn't get an address, judging
from the pop-up that there's a DHCP problem.
With a static IP address configured on the Newton in the worksite
Internet setup, it appears to connect to the network, but it can't
reach anything (dock + Escale, in/out, nethopper, nsync). Nothing
Are there any tools that can be run on the Newton to show me the
network configuration it is in? I've read that ping support isn't
there. Anything available to troubleshoot this from the Newton?
After I get this going, and solidify my syncing, I'm looking forward to
trying out the ATA support so I can plug in more memory and my IBM
microdrive. ;-)
Thanks very much for your time and help! This is a great community of
people. Now, with the newtontalk map, I can see where everyone is.
Hello from Boulder, Colorado, USA!
==Leonard Sitongia
"One Inextricable Beam"
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