Re: [NTLK] Swapping ROMs?

From: Frank Gruendel (
Date: Thu Oct 28 2004 - 01:20:44 PDT

> It now will only turn on with the power plugged in,
> and all it does then is blink the backlight.

Normally what it tries to get across that way is that there is a
problem with the RAM.

> I've researched as best I could on the 'net and through
> the archives andhave done the following to try to revive my MP:

Althought you have done SOME of this, but I'd still recommend what
I describe at the top of that page

EXACTLY as I describe it, and in the same order. If it won't power
up after that, it most likely has a hardware problem. If you pay
for shipping, I could have a look at it for free. Diagnosis is free
as usual for NewtonTalk list members. Most likely I'll also be able
to fix it, but this might not be free (but cheap). If I don't
need to use spare parts, the fix will cost you a donation to the WNA
and the cost of shipping back.

> I've recently bought another MP2000 (upgraded to 2100) from
> eBay here in Australia, and was planning on simply swapping the
> ROMs around, just so that I can get all my info onto a back-up
> card to transfer over to the new Newt, but a friend suggested
> this might be dangerous because whatever is wrong
> with my Newt may damage the working ROM.

As others have already pointed out, your info is not in the ROM, but
in the Flash RAM. This is soldered to the main logic board and
can't be swapped separately. Unless the ROM is the culprit, which
I doubt, swapping it for one that has the same OS language won't
help you in the least, and swapping it for one that has a different
language will most likely result in a total loss of your data.


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