[NTLK] Application Development Requests

From: David M. Ensteness (denstene_at_mac.com)
Date: Fri Oct 29 2004 - 15:03:17 PDT

With all the talk about future Newton development a while back I began
thinking about the thing that really makes a platform long lasting -

What do we not have that would be extremely useful?

SSH - I just saw a post about this and I am very confused. I understand
not being able to SSH into the Newton for technical reasons, but how is
it that developing Einstein is easier than porting SSH, an application
that runs on ... nearly *every* other platform out there.

SFTP - There are plenty of FTP servers in the private sector, but in
commercial environments non-secure protocols are disappearing fast, so
if those of us who use Newtons at work could really use a way to
continue using them.

Network testing utilities, both physical testing such as cable tests,
wiremaps, length tests, etc ... and software tests like NS lookup,
ping, routing table, network statistics, socket connections, multicast,
traceroute, Whois, finger, portscan, etc ... - this allows your Newton
to replace a network testing kit, something that would be really nice
since my LANcat 1500 is the same size as a Newton 2x00 ...

A database *client* that could view if not edit records on a remote
database server, something common enough that it is widely useful -
that way you could use your Newton to do inventory using a barcode
scanner and a WaveLAN card.

VPN client - if you want to make use of a Newton at work, and you want
to use it in the field it would be *incredibly* useful to have the
ability to VPN in to your local network for security purposes.

LDAP support of any kind - Simply being able to browse a remote LDAP
directory for records would be huge.

The Newton could be an EXCELLENT tool for a network administrator but
we are missing the key things a network admin would want to use it for.
The applications are certainly practical to use, is there any remote
possibility someone looking for a project would be willing to look into
any of these?


David M. Ensteness

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