Re: [NTLK] NCU appletalk problems (was Re: Newton and OS X)

From: Rhonda Hyslop (
Date: Sun Oct 31 2004 - 19:10:04 PST

* Rhonda Hyslop <> [31 Oct 2004 18:01]:
> * Robert Benschop <> [31 Oct 2004 13:53]:
> > And I did too, and it worked without a hitch.
> > Rhonda did you check if File Sharing in Classic's System Folder at all
> > and if it's activated?
> I just searched the entire hard drive, and the only thing with "File
> Sharing" in the filename at all was "File Sharing Strip" in the system
> folder under "Control Strip Modules".
> So I'd say, no, it's not there at all.

Woody Smith just emailed me the "File Sharing" control panel item
(thanks Woody!) but it won't start up properly - or rather, it
"unexpectedly quit" with the error "FileSharingLib (-2624)". I couldn't
find that error code in the lists of mac error codes I found on the web,
so I'm not sure what that means. Error in the library? Library missing?
Wrong version? I did a disk search and couldn't find any files named
'FileSharingLib' anywhere...

Anybody have a clue?


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