From: smoerk (
Date: Sat Sep 11 2004 - 02:16:26 PDT
On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 00:34:19 +0200, Nicolas Zinovieff <> wrote:
> OK folks, let's cut it short.
> 2) Open-sourcing the Einstein project might be illegal since it gives
> everyone access to a technology they may not possess.
This is not true. You may have legal problems with distributing the
binary, selling the stuff and using it, but not with having access to
the source code. There are several examples of open source project
that implement patented stuff. Distributing the source code only
without offering binaries for download is sometimes the only way to be
on the safe side. i don't know any scenario where the user can run the
binary, but gets sued when having access to the open source code (does
anyone knows an example, where the release of source code was a legal
but this doesn't matter, as you don't want to release the sources anyway.
-- Oliver T. -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles:
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