From: Sonya Hipper (
Date: Thu Sep 23 2004 - 18:43:23 PDT
I just wanted to weigh in on the OS X laptop vs. Newt argument.
First off. I have both. I use both. I ADORE both my 12" PBG4 and my
MP2100. Honestly? I use the Newt more. Something the size of a
paperback book, weighing only a pound or so, and which can access the
internet on any WiFi network (minus some lame-ass café hotspots) or
anywhere I can get a cell signal, is just something I have more cause
to use day-to-day than the 12".
Mainly, when I find myself using the laptop is when I know I'm going to
be sedentary for a while (e.g. @ a café, couch-surfing) and away from
my desktop Macs @ home and work...assuming I've taken the trouble to
lug it with me.
My Newt still fits in all the bags and purses I use (since I never use
any of those silly wee "evening-wear" jobbies), can go
can remind me of my meetings, where I am (once I get a GPS CF card...),
tick off the entries in my grocery list, keep my checking balance
current, entertain me with a crossword or a book, check the movie
listings, check my mail in a get the idea. And, since it's
a Newt, and not a Palm, PPC, or cell handset, I don't get eyestrain,
This is why (IMHO, anyway) we're users of PDA-class devices in the
first place. We were looking for that sub-(sub-)notebook experience,
and I don't think that desire (or the relevance of the niche to many)
is going to go away anytime soon.
If Einstein, or something like it, comes to fruition then I'll not be
going truly without a PDA for a LONNNNNG time. (A Newt with color,
IPv6, SSL/SSH, PDF, Bluetooth & 802.11(x) that still retains it's Newty
goodness...I'm getting inappropriately tingly just thinking about it!)
A laptop is much more likely, in the end, to replace my desktop once
and for all than it is my Newt.
Just my $.02...
PS: I do NOT understand the distinct lack of LURVE in some of the posts
in this tread toward OS X. I mean, wow. You know? Wow. :-P
"I urge you all today, especially today during these
times of chaos and war, to love yourself without reservations
and to love each other without restraint. Unless you're into
leather. And then, by all means, use restraints."
—Margaret Cho
Sonya Hipper
AIM: SonyaLynn
Yahoo: thesonyalynn
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