From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Sun Sep 26 2004 - 06:14:18 PDT
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] FS SER-001 & EM300
>Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 08:56:50 -0500
>From: "Goodwin, Greg" <>
> I bought the SER-001 back when it was first released, and the Newton
>is working fine even still. At least as far as I know. It's a neat
>addition to the Newton.
And it works like a dream in my Dr. GruendelsteinPad 2g00! Actually, those
geniusses at the Dr. Gruendelstein r&d labs include them in their specs so
the 2g00 per default comes with the original Mr. PCBMan SER-001
factory-installed. Now how you like that? Props to Mr PCBMan and the Dr-
Gruendelstein crew!
I hear there's a manufacturer in the US offering the same board as a
regular option. Those people too must have some faith in the product, as
any misbehaviour on its side will be sure to generate additional work to
process customers' warranty claims. AFAIK they as well as Dr Gruendelstein
offer this now for over a year or two (or three?), and I wonder how many
legit complaints they'd received. I never heard of any (and NTLK got plenty
big ears, mate!).
The only thing that would be nicer than a SER-001 would be a blueSER-001,
but I've said THAT before.
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