From: James Wages (
Date: Thu Apr 07 2005 - 23:16:51 PDT
On 4/8/05 9:02 AM, "ADyson" <> wrote:
> Man, quit bitching.
Even after a price reduction comes into effect, the insults still fly.
Are we a divided community of Newton users or a united one?
> The best way to show your dissatisfaction
> is to not buy the game and program your
> own competitive version that you can give away.
With the price of Newtopoly now within reason, I was debating whether to
reply to this statement. Nevertheless, I always feel inclined to rectify
any source of "misunderstanding" -- which is the most tactful word I know to
describe what flows so freely from the keyboard of Adyson.
When one is not satisfied with a Newton product or its price, the best
solution is to present logical arguments on this Newtontalk mailing list and
allow the community to hash out a solution. I know many of you may disagree
with this, but the fact is that a change did result because of the dialog
we've shared. It is not a private effort of one dissatisfied man, but a
group effort of many concerned individuals.
To recap, the author of the game in question was contacted by a NewtonTalk
member (and likely more than one), and the author kindly agreed to lower the
price. Herein is synergy, my friends. The considerate actions of a few
worked to obtain a greater benefit for the many.
May we all strive to avoid lambasting others, and begin to think
optimistically and constructively toward real-world solutions which benefit
the community at large.
Many thanks to those of you who have written to my offline with your kind
words of support. I now wish to publicly offer my personal thanks to Newton
software author Bernie Bernstone who has kindly recognized the needs and
wants of Newton community. It is actions like these which give the Newton
community meaning, actions that keep our PDA platform of choice alive.
James Wages
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