April 2005 archive
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Starting: Thu Mar 31 2005 - 23:58:47 PST
Ending: Sat Apr 30 2005 - 23:24:39 PDT
- [NTLK]
- [NTLK] 'Clio NXT' (ideal Newton emu hardware?)
- [NTLK] 'Kasko for President!
- [NTLK] 'VideoPhone' software documentation
- [NTLK] (No Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 16:04:53 -0400
- [NTLK] (OT FS) Newton Phone
- [NTLK] (OT) My Junk for sale
- [NTLK] .nwt header bytes
- [NTLK] 802.11g
- [NTLK] [ANN] Brilliant new ebooks challenge!
- [NTLK] [ANN] Newted Community Server Problems
- [NTLK] [ANN] Newtontalk Audio and Microphone Jack Sale
- [NTLK] [ANN] Newtopoly (Monopoly) Price Reduction!
- [NTLK] [ANN] Poker Square for Newton OS 1.x Released
- [NTLK] [FS] eMate parts, Powerbooks, Beige G3s, NeXTstation
- [NTLK] [FS] eMates, etc
- [NTLK] [FS] MP120 and items
- [NTLK] [FS] MP2100 (upgraded)
- [NTLK] [FS] NewtNAV available
- [NTLK] [FS] Powerbooks
- [NTLK] [NLTK] Cults and other fun topics
- [NTLK] [NTLK]are there VPN Clien for Newton
- [NTLK] [NTLK]FS/FT Apple Newton eMate 300 4mb Internal
- [NTLK] [NTLK]FS/FT Apple Newton eMate 300 4mb Internal Memory cards
- [NTLK] [OT] DVI to ADC adapter
- [NTLK] [OT] Google Gulp
- [NTLK] [OT] keyboarding (was perfect hardware)
- [NTLK] [OT] News_Palm ate Newt!
- [NTLK] [OT] Serial sensors for eprobe
- [NTLK] [OT] Simputer not selling well
- [NTLK] [OT] we may see an apple phone afterall
- [NTLK] [OT]I'm back up!
- [NTLK] [Q] GPS map making tutorials/links?
- [NTLK] [Q] Where can I find GPS Map Tools?
- [NTLK] [WTB] A Newton 2100
- [NTLK] About NewtEye
- [NTLK] ACT! 2.8 problem with .dmg
- [NTLK] Advice on setting up my new eMate?
- [NTLK] advice please
- [NTLK] All of this GPS talk is making me itchy...
- [NTLK] ANN:Stanford Newton User Group April 2005
- [NTLK] Anyone Making Public WiFi Work?
- [NTLK] Anyone using NSBASIC?
- [NTLK] april fools?
- [NTLK] Backlight Order Status?
- [NTLK] Bad news on the bar code scanner software -- so far...
- [NTLK] Bar code scanner software -- success!
- [NTLK] Bar Code Scanners
- [NTLK]
- [NTLK] Batteries quesiton
- [NTLK] battery Question
- [NTLK] Belkin USB to Serial Converter failed.
- [NTLK] Black Screen
- [NTLK] Bluetooth to internet through Windows and Pairing question
- [NTLK] Break my heart; Wheres this old newt?
- [NTLK] BTI leather case
- [NTLK] Build Your Own Irfra-Red Adaptor (For PC)
- [NTLK] Calling Mark at order
- [NTLK] Claris Works or Act for Mac OS 7.x ISSUES
- [NTLK] ClarisWorks 2.0
- [NTLK] Classroom Exchange on OS X
- [NTLK] Comm Update v 1.2
- [NTLK] connecting problems w/ crossover cable
- [NTLK] Control iTunes with your Newton
- [NTLK] Cosmetic Mods for Newtons
- [NTLK] Damaged Packages: How Do I Fx This?
- [NTLK] Defying Gravity vs. "Graviity"
- [NTLK] Defying Gravity: The Making of The Newton
- [NTLK] DIN Connector build in
- [NTLK] Documentations MP2x00 en Francais
- [NTLK] Does emate take messagepad's battery cage
- [NTLK] Does emate take messagepad's battery cage?
- [NTLK] Does my backlight have to be noisy?
- [NTLK] Earthlink Setup
- [NTLK] Einstein and Tiger
- [NTLK] eMate memory size
- [NTLK] eMate NewtWorks Document Transfer with Mac OS X
- [NTLK] Emate specific apps: what are they good for?
- [NTLK] Emate stylus wanted
- [NTLK] Emate Wireless Not connecting
- [NTLK] eMate Wireless with WEP
- [NTLK] EnRoute Thru Earthlink Works...
- [NTLK] Entering Spanish characters on an emate
- [NTLK] eprobe or OBDII
- [NTLK] Escale problem
- [NTLK] Ethernet Cards
- [NTLK] Ethernet Updt 2.0.1
- [NTLK] Exporting NewtonWorks Spreadsheets
- [NTLK] exporting with Escale
- [NTLK] External Power Packs for Newtons
- [NTLK] Eyesight problems with calendar
- [NTLK] Field Charger for the Newton?
- [NTLK] First Newton ever (and first post)
- [NTLK] Flash vs. SRAM
- [NTLK] (NEW Lake Tahoe Hiking Newton Photos)
- [NTLK] Found the Perfect Prototype Newton Stand, But How to Get One?
- [NTLK] Free web-browser
- [NTLK] Free your GPS
- [NTLK] FrogPad (was: perfect hardware)
- [NTLK] FS Newton 2100 Package
- [NTLK] FS/FT Apple Newton eMate 300 4mb card
- [NTLK] FS/FT: Apple eMate 300's (In Need of TLC)
- [NTLK] FS/FT: Apple Newton 2000 - Working
- [NTLK] FS/FT: Apple Newton 2100 (PARTS)
- [NTLK] FS/FT: Apple Newton CAMO 1X0 PDA Case
- [NTLK] FS/FT: Apple Newton Desk Stands...
- [NTLK] FS/FT: Apple Newton eMate 300 4mb Internal Memory Upgrades...
- [NTLK] FS/FT: Apple Newton PDA Stylus (Rare?)
- [NTLK] FS/FT: Apple Newton to PC Serial Cords
- [NTLK] FS/FT: Toshiba e405 + Prototype PDA
- [NTLK] FS: 2100 & Most Accoutrements
- [NTLK] FS: 2100 + extras
- [NTLK] FS: 2100+extras
- [NTLK] FS: Defying Gravity, the Making of the Newton
- [NTLK] FS: MP2100 Newton, PLUS!....
- [NTLK] Fwd: Jaggies, Jaggies, JAGGIES, ARGH!
- [NTLK] Fwd: NotePhone followup
- [NTLK] Fwd: perfect hardware
- [NTLK] GIF format/card errors?
- [NTLK] Good News
- [NTLK] Good price for an eMate?
- [NTLK] Google on Newton?
- [NTLK] GPS Card
- [NTLK] Graphing calculator.
- [NTLK] Green is better
- [NTLK] H1000 battery compartment
- [NTLK] Happy 29th Birthday Apple
- [NTLK] Help with GPS MAP process (VERY,VERY LONG POST)
- [NTLK] How can I open a Newton OMP
- [NTLK] How can I open a Newton OMP ?
- [NTLK] How do I connect my e-mate 300 to my wireless network?
- [NTLK] How to read Windows based Acrobat PDF file on a Newton 130?
- [NTLK] I Need Help Converting Bar Code Scanner Software
- [NTLK] I would buy a Newton 2100
- [NTLK] I'm back up!
- [NTLK] Ideal PDA
- [NTLK] InPath MobileWand source found!
- [NTLK] IR/Ethernet Comm Update 2.0
- [NTLK] IrDA package install
- [NTLK] Is Newbie's 2100 dying?
- [NTLK] is newtontalk working?
- [NTLK] Jaggies follow up - plus a hypothetical...
- [NTLK] Jaggies, Jaggies, JAGGIES, ARGH!
- [NTLK] Jaggies.... AAAHH!
- [NTLK] Just a present
- [NTLK] Just in Time for Earth Day!
- [NTLK] LANUG Meeting! Update
- [NTLK] LANUG Meeting!!! April 30 Sat. Applestore Grove
- [NTLK] Last Day, And Plenty of Questions....
- [NTLK] linear flash card problems
- [NTLK] Looking for various TeleType GPS and GPS Map packages...
- [NTLK] LPR Printing Question - not a newbie
- [NTLK] LPR Thing Solved Perhaps??
- [NTLK] mail V
- [NTLK] Megahertz Modem Card recognition in MP130
- [NTLK] Memory cards
- [NTLK] Michigan Newton Gathering & Macs R Us
- [NTLK] Michigan Newton Gathering - Preparations Update
- [NTLK] Michigan Newton Gathering - Sunday, April 17th!
- [NTLK] Michigan Newton Gathering - Sunday, April 17th! (directions from LaPorte, IN)
- [NTLK] Michigan Newton Gathering - Sunday, April 17th! | Questions About Starting a NUG
- [NTLK] Michigan Newton Gathering - Tons More Hardware and Software!
- [NTLK] Michigan Newton Gathering Pics
- [NTLK] Michigan Newton Picture Link Seems to be Broken
- [NTLK] Michigan Newton User Gathering Update
- [NTLK] Mini-Tablet PC
- [NTLK] MobileWand 400 bar code Wiki page
- [NTLK] Monopoly
- [NTLK] Monopoly (The Game) for Newton OS?
- [NTLK] More newbie questions...
- [NTLK] Movie Converter Help
- [NTLK] mp 110 help with batts
- [NTLK] MP 2000/2100 and MP 130 FOR SALE!!!!!
- [NTLK] MP130 vs. MP2100
- [NTLK] MP2100 Battery Life
- [NTLK] MP2100 Boot Strap Help
- [NTLK] MP2K1 w/Ser01 Card - case cracked
- [NTLK] Need a little help connecting MP110 to Powerbook 1400
- [NTLK] need advice on emate hinge and battery rebuild
- [NTLK] Never say die...
- [NTLK] New 'Read Me' eBook file for the 'VideoPhone'
- [NTLK] New 'Read Me' eBook file for the 'VideoPhone' application
- [NTLK] New Newton eBooks!
- [NTLK] News about Einstein
- [NTLK] News from Italy
- [NTLK] Newt on HGH
- [NTLK] NewtBee Comm Update v.1.1.1
- [NTLK] NewtBee Comm Update v.1.1.2
- [NTLK] NewtLight + NewtEye pre-orders list update
- [NTLK] NewtLight available
- [NTLK] newton accessories for sale
- [NTLK] newton bits and bobs to sell (UK)
- [NTLK] Newton Clear Dock
- [NTLK] Newton Comm advice (update) v 1.1
- [NTLK] Newton Dictionary
- [NTLK] newton for sale
- [NTLK] Newton GPS prob: "GPS: 0" -----
- [NTLK] Newton IM Question
- [NTLK] Newton in the movies
- [NTLK] Newton in toys
- [NTLK] Newton Interconnect Port dongle
- [NTLK] Newton Macros?
- [NTLK] Newton owners/users in Vermont
- [NTLK] Newton PDA - Integrated Accessories (1996)
- [NTLK] Newton Phone user POLL
- [NTLK] Newton Press - error when creating package
- [NTLK] Newton Printing
- [NTLK] Newton size - the Windows answe
- [NTLK] Newton size - the Windows answer
- [NTLK] Newton Users Groups/Meeting Questions...
- [NTLK] Newton VideoPhone software (IrDA communication software)
- [NTLK] Newton Wheel of Fortune
- [NTLK] Newton Won't recognize the character "6"
- [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V5 #162 keyboards
- [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V5 #166 Datarover
- [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V5 #171 keyboards
- [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V5 #175 Refreshing Newtontalk Digest for a Change!
- [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V5 #175 Refreshing Newtontalk Digests for a Change
- [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V5 #177 Refreshing Newtontalk Digests for
- [NTLK] NewtPodcast Coming Later Today...
- [NTLK] NewtPodcast for 04-15-05 Now Available
- [NTLK] NewtSync or Escale over serial
- [NTLK] Newtsync problem:
- [NTLK] NMP 2k ethernet/comm update 2.1
- [NTLK] NMP 2k IR...
- [NTLK] NMP2k n00b (E/Net 2.0.2)
- [NTLK] NotePhone followup
- [NTLK] NotePhone tech notes
- [NTLK] NR404
- [NTLK] NTLK Einstein Expiring today
- [NTLK] NTLK] Ethernet Cards
- [NTLK] NTLK] Recap of the Michigan Newton Gathering
- [NTLK] NuShield screen protector questions
- [NTLK] NYC Meeting
- [NTLK] NYC mtg.
- [NTLK] One more Newton sighting...
- [NTLK] OT: FS: iPod 40Gig 4th Generation
- [NTLK] OT: Laserwriter for Sale
- [NTLK] OT: More fuel for Apple PDA/Newton2/Super iPod Rumours
- [NTLK] Package Extraction from Newton to PC or Mac?
- [NTLK] Pepperpad information
- [NTLK] perfect hardware
- [NTLK] Performance slows as external card fills up
- [NTLK] Pinging Bruce Guthrie...
- [NTLK] Pinging Newton/Linux Users
- [NTLK] Pinging Woo
- [NTLK] Playing Around with Book-Making Function in Newtscape
- [NTLK] Playing Around with Book-Making Function in Newtscape [long pos
- [NTLK] Playing Around with Book-Making Function in Newtscape [long posting]
- [NTLK] Plea to Apple
- [NTLK] PowerBook 5300 and NIRDA Installer
- [NTLK] PowerBook 5300, NIRDA Installer - read this one, sorry
- [NTLK] PowerRecorder and Catamount
- [NTLK] PowerRecorder app
- [NTLK] Press, bookmaker, and making AVI backdrops
- [NTLK] Problem rebuilding 2X00 battery
- [NTLK] Programming Books
- [NTLK] Programming for the Newton
- [NTLK] Programming Newton Games.
- [NTLK] Programming the Newton using Windows
- [NTLK] Project: Newton Connectivity-MiniCD
- [NTLK] Question About Newton PKG Files
- [NTLK] QV-Lab
- [NTLK] RAM on 2x00
- [NTLK] Re trade traffic
- [NTLK] Recap of the Michigan Newton Gathering
- [NTLK] Refreshing Newtontalk Digests for a Change!
- [NTLK] Register wavelan turbo bronze card for wifi, set up roadrunner access
- [NTLK] Reminder: Michigan Newton Gathering - Sunday, April 17th, 1:00 pm
- [NTLK] Remote login gone?
- [NTLK] Repair hinge pin or just oil it on eMate
- [NTLK] Repair hinge pin or just oil it on eMate?
- [NTLK] RSVP for Newton Gathering in Metro Detroit - Sunday April 17th
- [NTLK] Searching for a Charging Station for MP2x00 Batteries
- [NTLK] Seeking Works Graphing Calculator Software for eMate (eProbe)
- [NTLK] Semi-Newbie Old-Timer catch-up questions
- [NTLK] sending emails via wifi not working?
- [NTLK] Serial Jack Kits for the Newton 2000/2100
- [NTLK] Siemens — Ideas on how to get the Schematics
- [NTLK] Simple mail smtp problem
- [NTLK] Simputer Released
- [NTLK] Single handed writing and typing
- [NTLK] SONUG meetup any time soon?
- [NTLK] Speeding up a 130
- [NTLK] Splendid changes
- [NTLK] Still a NO go
- [NTLK] StowAway Keyboard Driver problem
- [NTLK] StowAway Kybrd Driver problem
- [NTLK] Survey - Newton and midi
- [NTLK] Telephony software - Any Interest?
- [NTLK] Temperature
- [NTLK] the Windows answer
- [NTLK] Think Different (sometimes works!)
- [NTLK] USB on Newton (was: Recap of the Michigan Newton Gathering)
- [NTLK] Using a Newton for Mouse Navigation (for PC)
- [NTLK] Value of a Clear model MP110???
- [NTLK] Verkauf Newton 2100 (upgrad)
- [NTLK] VideoPhone software questions - some answered, some not...
- [NTLK] we may see an apple phone afterall
- [NTLK] Where can I find Steve's keynote for 2001?
- [NTLK] Who's up for a 'little' coding challenge?
- [NTLK] Why does Jobs seem angry?
- [NTLK] Wireless Connection
- [NTLK] Wireless Connection&In-Reply-To=<v04011700b9cf8d4bece7@[
- [NTLK] word count in Newtworks?
- [NTLK] WTB - Serial dongle or ser port
- [NTLK] WTB/WTT: Apple Newton 24 Pack of eMate pens (colorful one)
- [NTLK] WTB: Wireless PCMCIA for Mac and Newton
- [NTLK] WTS Turbo Upgrade
- [NTLK] WTT/WTB: InPath Newton Barcode Scanner - Trade for MP2x00, WiF
- [NTLK] WTT/WTB: InPath Newton Barcode Scanner - Trade for MP2x00, WiFi, Etc?
- [NTLK] WWNC 2005 Question
- Jaggies.... AAAHH!
- Monopoly (The Game) for Newton OS?
- Newt on HGH
- NewtLight + NewtEye pre-orders list update
- WWNC 2005 Question
Last message date: Sat Apr 30 2005 - 23:24:39 PDT
Archived on: Sat Apr 30 2005 - 23:30:00 PDT
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: Sat Apr 30 2005 - 23:30:00 PDT