[NTLK] Newton GPS prob: "GPS: 0" -----

From: DJ Vollkasko (DJ_Vollkasko_at_gmx.net)
Date: Fri Apr 29 2005 - 01:24:28 PDT


I've been twiddling around with GPS on my MP2k for the last couple
days, basically w/o much success. Perhaps you can help me?

I have a GPS mouse receiver (AQMax AQ-300, manufacturer website
http://www.aqmax.com/ -- Chinese only, besides a wholesome "About us"
blurb...), which seems to receive GPS data from GPS satellite (status
LED switches from "on" for "powered" to blinking mode for "acquiring
data"). GPS Map alternatively gives me these messages:

"Waiting for GPS Data!" (i.e. it wants to talk to a receiver...),
"GPS: n/a" (which means it doesn't get any data, because it can't see
the receiver...), then after a moment
"GPS: 0" with a black bar next to it (which means it *does* talk to the
receiver, but doesn't get any positional data it can use... even though
the receiver's status LED is blinking!)

When I try with TeleType GPS in monitor mode, I can see the receiver
sends something to the Newton. When I'm indoors, this is pretty (pretty
stable, but also pretty useless as it can't acquire satellite signals,
right!?), when I'm out of doors it it prettier: it gets a position and
then returns an error message. After that the GPS receiver doesn't
transmit anymore, but the Newton is still running and TeleType GPS can
be normally closed.

The receiver prefs in GPS Map are:

        GPS Driver: NMEA 183
                Interface Settings
                        Port: Serial Port
                        Speed: 4800
                        Parity: None
                        Handshake: None
                        Data Bits: 8
                        Stop Bits: 1
                        UTC Offset: -01:00
                        Init String: (blank)

In Teletype GPS I couldn't find any way to set any settings. (Where are
they hidden?)

Do I need to configure the GPS receiver via Init strings? What am I to
look for?
How can I troubleshoot the receiver-to-Newton communication problem?

Any help appreciated.

D. Vollkasko

P.S.: I've received bc a couple mails regarding how cool it were if we
had a Newton GPS-FAQ and a software and hardware list. Well, I've
started something on the NewtonWiki at
http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/index.php/GPSOnNewton . There's a
lot of stuff missing, so if you can add something (found on the web,
unearthed during your reasearch in NTLK archives, something learned
from personal experience...), be most cordially invited to!

This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries
Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/
WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/

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