From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Fri Apr 29 2005 - 00:29:44 PDT
List: newtontalk
Subject: Re: [NTLK] (No Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 16:04:53 -0400
From: "Paul Curtis (Nations One Mortgage)" <MicroSSG () Comcast !
Date: 2005-04-28 20:04:53
>I've been keeping my eye on this one. It's $265 with WAAS enabled and
>external antenna. And they have volume discounts.
>Here's a snippet from the website...
>"MightyGPS PCMCIA includes NMEA-0183 output, WAAS enabled, one serial
>and position & velocity filtering. It is one of the most powerful GPS
>receivers for laptops on the commercial market."
Well, if you have tested that, be sure to add it to the GPS hardware
list on the Wiki! I'm curious how it will perform. But the price is a
bit steep, no?
If it will work for US$ 270,--, then that's (a) good, and (b) twice as
much as the two CF card solutions are supposed to cost, and five times
the cost of a GPS mouse (on which topic I have to add that I STILL
can't get GPS Map to read data from my receiver... TeleTypeGPS does,
however, and invariably crashes... Arrrrrrgh! Rats!).
Please run by me again what the advantage of a proper PC Card solution
is vs. a CF card + adapter.
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