Date: Mon Apr 11 2005 - 06:45:16 PDT
Hello Everyone:
This message is an update/reminder for folks living in the Michigan/Northern Ohio/Southern Ontario region.
There will be a Newton Gathering function this coming Sunday, April 17th, at the Macomb County Library (M-59 just west of Garfield Road, adjacent to the Macomb College 'Center Campus').
Please confirm your attendance via e-mail. Maps and instructions will be sent out this week.
So, what will visitors get for their trouble? Well, to begin with, they'll have the chance to see and play around with some pretty rare Newton hardware: eProbe scientific test probe kit for the eMate, MobileWand 400 bar code reader device (I'm hoping we can get this working for an active demo), etc. Also on display will be a very rare Newton dual connector device used by developers in the early days of Newtoning.
Is that all? Would I have you drive all the way to northern Detroit suburbia for just THAT? Of course not!
Attendees will also get special Newton eBooks (available in MP 2X00 portrait and Classic formats). You'll get a first look at, "An Open Letter to Steve Jobs," written by yours truly. Also, I just finished a Mexican cookbook! Other titles? Hmmm...
Is that IT??? No! I can't believe you'd be that stupid!!! How could I dare expect you to make that loooonnng drive without some kind of compensation for your efforts? Gas costs money, ya know!
You'll also have the opportunity to share Newton games, sound files, view a FAX demo, print files, if need be (Yes, I will be bringing along one of the old 'portable' HP printers, complete with IrDA attachment and extra ink cartridge/paper.
I'm also hoping to be able to offer some refreshments, but I'll have to check with the Library staff this week, to see what they'll tolerate. Likely, we'll have coffee and cookies. Sharing of Newton ideas, Newton photo-ops, etc. Other fun things going on? We'll see...
Now, how can you afford to miss THAT?
Warmest regards,
Matt K.
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