From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Sun Apr 10 2005 - 01:01:42 PDT
> Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2005 17:45:02 -0400
> From: Dan <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Field Charger for the Newton?
> Macs R Us Computers wrote:
>> Hello All!
>> Just wondering if there was such a thing as the so
>> called Field Charger for the Newton... A External
>> Battery Pack that can be connected to the AC port on
>> the Newton, and can be recharged by its own Wall
>> outlet... Is there such a device on the marked?
No, but it has recently been discussed by some people on and off-list.
I think I'd described this in Sonny's thread on external battery packs
(I remember having actually written "I *heart* waterproof"... ;=} ).
>> Please let me know!
> Not that I know of. The only thing that comes close is the "Battery
> Booster Pack" which held a bunch of AA batteries. It has been
> suggested
> that this might cause damage to your Newt if you use it for recharging,
> so it wouldn't be good for that.
Apple manual doesn't say so. All they say is that you'll lose power:
(Internal pack + Battery Booster) < (first Internal Pack, then remove,
then Battery Booster)
A useful application for this could be when you're away from power
supply and need to run the Newton continuously. Run from internal pack,
then when that's down run from Battery Booster, and when internal is
recharged and this and Booster down to 50%, recharge Booster cells
(solar panel, fresh cells) and repeat when internal package hits 10%.
> But if you remove the Newt battery
> pack, it would allow you to keep working till you could get it charged.
> For a picture look at
> NewtonSolutionsGuide.pdf
I've added the manual text (pretty short, recently discussed in Sonny's
thread on external power supplies) to the Wiki . -- Which
reminds me: There's been many good discussions recently on NTLK, on GPS
map making and other stuff, hopefully these will be put up on the Wiki
slightly edited when the issues are resolved? Please?
> I think I would rather keep a spair set of AA in a battery cage or a
> spare rechargeable pack.
...unless ye need to keep ye olde Newt running continuously longer that
4x AA grant ye, or ye have to keep the setup in a waterproof casing
and can't safely change cells at will...
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