[NTLK] Serial Jack Kits for the Newton 2000/2100

From: Jeffrey McMurtrie (jeffrey.mcmurtrie_at_rogers.com)
Date: Sun Apr 17 2005 - 17:58:29 PDT

If anyone's interested in adding a serial jack as mentioned at
http://delphys.net/d.holmes/hardware/newton_DIN8.html and
http://dev.newtontalk.net/~dpadilla/minidin.htm I have some kits
available to do such an upgrade. They come with the serial jack (Pins
pre-cut,) and the correct length and thickness of wire soldered on to
them. All you need to do is solder the wires to your main logic board.
  They're only $3.95 Canadian + Shipping (They can fit into a small
padded envelope so shipping is quite cheap,) + GST in Canada and PST in
Ontario. Only 9 are available.

Thanks for your time,

Jeffrey McMurtrie
CEO, HandMedia

Web: www.hand-media.com
Email: jeffrey.mcmurtrie_at_hand-media.com

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