From: Michael L'Heureux (
Date: Tue Apr 26 2005 - 14:04:15 PDT
After working several hours on making a Newton Book (with Newton Press
on Mac OS X) out of an interesting report that I came across on the
Internet (, I was all
set to create a package & put it on my Newton. But I got this error
An error has occured. Newton Press must now shut down.
this->CountRuns() > 0
Content.cpp 1027
Any idea what this means or how I can actually make the book? I've
allocated a lot more memory to Newton Press (40000K) & the book file is
only 1.4MB (but it does have several pictures in it).
Its really a shame that there is no viable way to make decent Newton
Books. Newton Press is too buggy; Book Maker has too steep of a
learning curve & can't do MP2K page sizes; Newtscape is slow & can't
deal with large documents; Paperback does only plain text & can't do
Thanks in advance for any help that anyone would be able to give me
with this.
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