From: James Lee (
Date: Thu Apr 28 2005 - 09:25:17 PDT
Hi Sonny,
Thank you for listing the possible solutions.
On 28-Apr-05, at 6:41 AM, Sonny Hung wrote:
> Hi James,
> Yes, if you have an English ROM you will need either a German ROM or
> eMate =
> ROM.
> The short on this is that the Flash Ram can at times (though rare) get
> corrupted. This will flush the Flash Ram and any Patches that may have
> been applied - the Patches can later be re-applied.
> There are many solutions to this issue you are having.
> 1) Using Frank's Reset Instructions (all of them) and seeing if that
> works. (which you have tried)
> 2) Often leaving the batteries/rchg pack & adapter out for a few days
> then trying again for others have resolved this issue.
Done #1 & #2 many times but have not succeeded.
> 3) On a recent occasion the reset button was at fault. I think Frank
> in this situation suggested looking at that again.
> 3a) There is always the possiblity that there is crud in the reset
> button area or that the actual reset button may have been damaged
> giving this result... you can try the Newton with the back cover off
> paying attention to the feel of the reset button when depressed. It's
> a crisp click in my experience. Check it again! :)
Have tried starting up bareback many times but with same result. I've
felt the crisp click before. I'll double check just to be doubly sure.
> 4) Then there is his Flash Ram flush that I mention here.
I suppose I'll have to advertise a "WTB: German ROM or eMate ROM," in
order to get one to try out.
> 5) Of course there is the bad answer that the Newton has either had
> incorrect adapter used with it or there was a surge of some sort. In
> either case the Newton is damaged and will only cycle through.
Please pray that this isn't happening to a newbie's first newt.
> In this situation you will need to get a replacement motherboard.
> Check if anyone near by has one or on list... if not contact me
> off-list and I will check my box... I'll be rummaging through as I do
> the backlight installs soon.
> Oh by the way just a last minute thought.
> If you have no batteries/rchg pach or a/c connected to your Newton you
> may want to try holding the reset for about 20-30 seconds. Then leave
> it for a day or two then try with a fresh set of batteries... This was
> what I normally do with my old Palm III when it went flaky and it
> seemed to like all it's power drained at times before it would like to
> wake up nicely...
Something new to try, means a fresh injection of hope. Hope is all I've
been living on since my MP went ga ga. My mood has been incredibly and
adversely affected eversince.
God bless you.
Best Regards,
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