From: David M. Ensteness (
Date: Tue Apr 19 2005 - 07:22:20 PDT
Cringley is sorta an odd guy.
He has said some very cool and insightful things but has also made far
more completely foolish statements regarding the direction of the
industry and people in it.
Makes sense that he is wrong more than right, we all are, but I guess I
get stuck on him a bit because when he says something he generally acts
so terrible certain about it.
His insight about Jobs thinking it was funny to waste Bill's time might
be right on. There is a story that has cropped up in enough well
researched texts that it seems legit. The story is that when Jobs
started NeXT and got their headquarters built he invited Gates to come
by and see what they were doing so that MS could look into developing
software for NeXT. As it goes Gates shows up and spends like an hour or
more in the lobby waiting for Jobs to come down and greet him. Jobs
never shows and Gates remarks, "develop for it, I'll piss on it."
Commentary about Jobs and Gates always seems very agenda driven to me.
Depending on who you read they are either saying the two guys are close
as can be or they are saying they spit and fight every chance they get.
Reality often lives in the middle.
On Apr 19, 2005, at 9:09 AM, Bruce E. Durocher II wrote:
> My favorite quote about Jobs was from Gates, courtesy Cringley: "I
> like Steve, but I don't like to be around him. He bullies me."
> Cringley, seeing an article he could sell, arranged separate interviews
> with Gates and Jobs to talk about each other. The conditions: the
> interviews had to run together or the material could not be used.
> Gates did his interview first (according to Cringley, "Neither is
> really normal, but Gates is closer to normal than Jobs"), and according
> to Cringley was fascinating. Jobs then refused to give his
> interview--Cringley finally decided that Jobs figured it'd be funny to
> make Gates waste an hour of his time...
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