From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Mon Apr 18 2005 - 12:41:15 PDT
> From: Adriano <>
> Subject: [NTLK] Free your GPS
> Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 22:57:37 +0200
> He sent to me a GPS for let me test it,
> then choose the name too for this new piece of hardware available for
> your MessagePad:
He did! Hooray for him! (Ooops, that me myself... ach, who cares! So
here goes: ) He's so brilliant! Good looking! His paddle-fu beat thy
paddle-fu ten times crosswise! He smart like he don't believe hisself!
Intelligent, too. Did I mention good-looking already? [continue ad
nauseam and fade out after fifteen minutes]
> NewtNAV
> See the web pages:
> Thanks DJ VollKasko
Ah, yer most cordially welcome! It was an idea that was orbiting ever
after Ron presented his Lake Tahoe-GPS setup .
Much kudos to Ron, he was very kind, patient and generous as we've
discussed the whole thing and every nut and bolt of his setup for a
couple weeks, incl. options of running GPS receivers directly off the
Newt, and maybe simultaneously providing additional power via DC-In
while drawing power off 2x00... All sorts of odd stuff, basically. So a
lot of things had been declared possible if... and some others
impossible unless... and the whole thing was about to get wrapped up
and die a slow and painful death rotting away on the Wikis wishlists and
collecting digital dust, like most of my Newton ideas (well, at least
I've written them down and ejected them out of my system, so those
babies don't cry at night and haunt me anymore).
So I was about to file these thoughts and declare them stillborn, when
suddenly... "below is a link to a new Newton hardware piece i made"
B A N G ! And there were the two magic incredients -- a man with no
clue and a man who can do!
So I went and shopped Ron's and my ideas around in Italy. A lot of the
ideas that Adriano and I discussed now have been yabbed about with Ron
before. So, if we're talking about credit, I'd prefer to believe that
Ron and I developed the ideas (mostly by me bouncing all kinds of --
why doesn't this surprise anyone -- odd ideas off his wall of reasoning
and knowhow), and Adriano put them into existence.
Adriano immediately wanted to take up this idea and work on it.
Fortunately, I'd already bought a Polstar, same as Ron's. Only the
seller was sold out of Polstars before being able to ship to me, and
offered to ship a AQ-300 instead (sells 'em more dear and says is worth
more, shorter acquisition time and stuff). So I takes that, only
Adriano already got hold of the Polstar-Pinout and had already twiddled
some with that. Arrrgh!
Anyway, I get my GPS receiver at long last, ship to Manfredonia, and a
week later, you can see . I just
love it when Newtonia works like that.
> Is it just me, or is this great stuff!?
It is, Ron, and it is *your* and Adriano's baby -- I just did the in
vitro-stuff... ;=}
> Incredible! I'm practically
> blurry eye'd with excitement...
Know what you mean...
> Quick, somebody send Andriano a nice digi-cam before I go blind trying
> to get a closer look!
My offer stands: Somebody send Adriano an old digi-cam, Adriano
confirms receipt to me, and I'll refund the shipping costs. Any takers?
So, and now about this silly idea I have, Adriano... ;=}
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