From: Bret Feinblatt (
Date: Mon Dec 19 2005 - 04:31:10 PST
I would say that $155 is a pretty good deal for a Newton 2x00.
I bought mine for $180 (with a 30 meg flash card and a modem card)
four years ago, and I've never regretted it. I'd also be willing to
pay that much again, should this one fail.
The Newt is so much better than the Palm in many ways. Primary
factors for me are the screen size, which lets you keep writing
without having to scrunch it all in on a tiny 2x2 screen, and the
fact that the Newt adjusts to you, doesn't require you to learn
Graffiti as on the Palm, or require you to jump between three text
boxes one for uppercase, one for lowercase and one for numbers, as
the PocketPC does.
I was once in a meeting with a customer, quickly jotting down notes
into my 2100. He asked me, amazed, "Are you writing that fast in
Graffiti?" I said, "No, this is an Apple Newton - it understands
On Dec 19, 2005, at 4:56 AM, wrote:
> $155.00 for an obsolete Newton? Wow thats pricy! Its not like a
> Palm Pilot
> thats what you would pay for a Palm Pilot! I mean sure there nice
> but what
> are some really cool features of the Newton 2100 that are so much
> better
> then the Newton 110 and a Palm Pilot?
Apart from the much better HWR, I'd say the big features for me are
the improved speed the StrongARM chip provides, much greater storage
space, improved organization and the 2x00 can handle all the apps
that came out for NOS 2, which is a lot. Not to mention the backlight.
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