[NTLK] BluePrint2 followup

From: Paul Jerry (pajerry_at_memlane.com)
Date: Sun Jan 16 2005 - 21:29:40 PST

Howdy folks,

I have started a Blog (http://drpauljerry.blogspot.com/) where I am
exploring the use of BluePrint2 among other things, with my 2100. The
purpose is mainly to document my "playing" with the Newton, and over
time, develop some academic writing around the use of technology in
information management. I don't expect that the more experienced Newton
users will find anything new here, it's just a Blog.

I am interested (as was another recent contributer) in keeping an
on-going dialogue with others (on or off list as appropriate) who may be
using BluePrint2, and also seeing if there is a full manual for it
(beyond the quick start tutorial.) The biggest issue I currently face is
whether or not it is possible to move project info from the Newton to
the desktop & back.


Dr. Paul Jerry
Associate Professor, Applied Psychology
Centre for Graduate Education in Applied Psychology
Athabasca University
(866)-313-4373 (toll free)
(403)-528-1451 (local office)
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