Re: [NTLK] [ANN] Einstein Emulator DP3

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2005 - 23:14:01 PST

À (At) 20:22 -0200 17/01/05, Luiz Petroni écrivait (wrote) :
>On 17 / Jan / 2005, at 17:22, Victor Rehorst wrote:
>> I think the answer is pretty obvious. But why would you need Inkwell?
>> Newton
>> OS is the original Inkwell, one could say.
>Will be necessary to have Inkwell acting as an interface for NewtonOS
>when a touchscreen is used?

I don't have a tablet, but Inkwell is not necessary. The emulator
currently only uses mouse clicks (X11 pointer events). All we would
need is a tablet driver that simulates pen taps by clicks (they all


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