[NTLK] OT: beginning electronics

From: Thomas A Isenbarger (isen_at_TDS.NET)
Date: Thu Jan 27 2005 - 19:09:22 PST


I am interested in learning how to build electronic circuits (starting
simple, obviously) and I getting frustrated trying to find good
starting points. I have an old copy of The Art of Electronics, but
although I have a decent grounding in physics and electric principles,
I cannot get too far in that. I haven't been convinced by any of the
reviews at Amazon.com, though I have been close to pushing the
"Checkout" button!

If there are any good books, kits, etc., that you could recommend for
getting up and running, I would appreciate it. I am a research
scientist in molecular biology, environmental microbiology,
bioinformatics, genomics, etc., and I would like to be able to build
some of my own instrumentation in the future. I know there are a lot
of folks here who build circuits and such, so I am hopeful that one (or
many) of you can help me.

Tom Isenbarger

PS A particular project I want to build is a fluorescence detector. I
would probably do this using an ultraviolet LED to excite a fluor and a
cheap filter and detector (silicon photodiode maybe) to detect the
emission. It would be great if the emission and detection could be
transmitted through a fiber optic cable so that I can detect
fluorescence on a surface by applying the end of the fiber optic
directly to the surface.

Tom Isenbarger, PhD
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