Re: [NTLK] Structure of a Bitmap when passed to C

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Thu Jul 07 2005 - 21:19:50 PDT

Le 8 juil. 05 =E0 12:59, Matthew Hudson a =E9crit :

> I've been searching but what I find doesn't match with the data I'm
> getting from the pointer. Is there class information at the beginning
> of the bitmap object and if so - what is the structure of that?
> Normally I would just dig in and find it but I have a limited time to
> get the project I'm working on done and someone pointing me in the
> right direction would be oh so helpful.

There are two structures for pictures, depending on what bitmap data =20
you have:

/// Structure pour les binaires bitmap.
/// Voici ce que j'ai =E9crit dans VNCNative.h:
/// "I found that in GIFLib.cp (for the NPDS GIF Server), but I can't =20=

recall know where I got it
/// (heh, it's one year ago)
/// Maybe Steve or another developer gave it to me.
/// It's more or less compatible with the info at
typedef struct SBits
     Long fPixelOffset; ///< offset of the pixels
     Short fRowBytes; ///< number of bytes per row
     Short fIgnored_1; ///< usually 0
     // rectangle - portion of bits to use--see IM I [Q&As]
     Short fTop; ///< top coordinate
     Short fLeft; ///< left
     Short fBottom; ///< bottom
     Short fRight; ///< right
     Short fIgnored_2; ///< usually 0x8000
     Char fIgnored_3; ///< usually 0x10
     Char fBitsPerPixel; ///< number of bits per pixel.
     Short fHoriRes; ///< in dpi (usually 72)
     Short fVertRes; ///< in dpi (usually 72)
     Long fIgnored_4; ///< Unknown.
} SBits;

/// Deuxi=E8me structure pour les binaires bitmap.
/// R=E9sultat de MakePixFamily.
typedef struct SBits2
     Long fIgnored_1; ///< doit =EAtre 0
     Short fRowBytes; ///< number of bytes per row
     Short fIgnored_2; ///< ignored
     // rectangle - portion of bits to use--see IM I [Q&As]
     Short fTop; ///< top coordinate
     Short fLeft; ///< left
     Short fBottom; ///< bottom
     Short fRight; ///< right
} SBits2;

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