[NTLK] People in Seattle area with wireless card I could borrow?

From: Charlie Ranlett (enigmaticmunkie_at_yahoo.com)
Date: Wed May 04 2005 - 00:12:11 PDT

I'm going to be getting a memory card with various
networking drivers on it from Russ Bravo in a few days
(I would think), and in light of this news of wireless
syncing possibly not working with OS 10.4, I'm hoping
someone in the Seattle area has a Newton-compatible
wireless card I could try out on my setup. I just want
to see if wireless syncing and package transfer is
indeed still possible; if so, I'd try for a compatible
wireless card off of eBay again (I bought a 64 bit
Cardbus one accidentally) or if not, I'd have to go
for an Ethernet card. That is, unless this apparent
Tiger be-cripplement of wireless Newton connection
ends up being confirmed as wrong (or has been and I
missed the message).

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