From: Matt Howe (
Date: Tue May 10 2005 - 10:56:16 PDT
I also like to create Newton books, either with Newton Press or Paperback
2.0. I have previously put up a book of conversion formula although I think
the site is gone now. I have a first aid manual I made. I have quite a
number of fiction books including Edgar Rice Burroughs Mars and "Tarzan"
series, a number of "Shadow" books and one Agatha Christie. I am currently
working on a reference book of misc items, presidential terms, Academy Award
winners, Composition of air, a kind of almanac. Let me know if there is
interest in any of these and I'll post them somewhere, maybe even remove
some of my family pictures and make room on my own site.
Matt "Ducky" Howe
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:39 AM
Subject: [NTLK] "New" Jules Verne novel!
May 10, 2005
Hello Everybody:
I'm stepping on my pal 'Kasko's toes a bit in publishing a fiction work that
was recently released from its copyright shackles (I usually publish
non-fiction eBooks and leave the fiction publishing to the literary greats
of the Newton world).
The title is "The Giant Raft: Eight-hundred Leagues on the Amazon". Here is
the description from the 'Read Me' file:
"Follow the adventures of a well-to-do family and their friends in late
nineteenth century South America, as they clear their jungle claim, build a
huge raft, and float down the Amazon River! A mysterious adversary from a
man's past comes back to threaten everything he holds dear, and a cryptic
document hold the key to the mystery. Attacks by giant caymans, love
interests, a murder, and much more await the reader!"
The eBook runs about 1.15 meg, and is available in the Classic and MP 2X00
Portrait sizes.
Look for this title, and other fine eBooks in your favorite Newton Library
archive soon!
Matt K.
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