Re: [NTLK] [Q] How to format Linear Flash Card with frizzed index?

From: Gary Moody (
Date: Wed May 11 2005 - 09:06:01 PDT

Hi DJ,

Okay, if you hold the stylus (or your thumbnail) down on the screen on the
left side about 1" to 1 1/2" up from the bottom of the screen, and while
holding the sylus on that point, inserting the card, you will get a dialogue
asking if you want to activate the packages on the newly inserted card.
Respond "NO", and the card will be recognized with package activation.

What frequebtly happens here is:

1. You used freezing to manage heap, and most of the packages that were on
this card before were frozen.

2. A restore will put the packages on the card in an "unfrozen" state.

3. Inserting a loaded high capacity card where all of the packages are
unfrozen will overrun your available heap, and cause the newton to lock up.

By using the above technique, you can get into the card, freeze everything
that should be in a frozen state, and then reboot. it should come up fine
after that.



> I did a data restore on the card, and something seems to have gone
> wrong:
> When I insert the card in my Newton, it tries to activate the packages
> and then stalls (always at different packages). ;=(
> When I insert it in my PowerBook (OS 10.3.9, latest sec. updates,
> etc.), nothing happens at all. ;={
> When I insert it in my vintage Toshiba 4850CT, Win 98 advises me that a
> storage card has been inserted, but the card doesn't even show in the
> Explorer...
> So with onboard means this doesn't seem to be adressable, no? Or maybe
> >from the command line? Or are there even any cool Newton tricks, like
> how I can avoid package activation when inserting the card, that would
> then let me allow to completely wipe it?

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