[NTLK] Bluetooth example

From: DJ Vollkasko (DJ_Vollkasko_at_gmx.net)
Date: Sat Nov 05 2005 - 04:00:16 PST

Subject: [NTLK] Bluetooth example
From: "Andreas Nijenhuis" <Andreas.nijenhuis () laposte ! net>
Date: 2005-11-05 10:22:45

>Hello DJ Volkasko, hello list,
>Le vendredi 4 novembre 2005, newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
>(newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net) a =E9crit :
>>Can anybody tell my why they'd built me bleedin' TiBook so that you
>>can't upgrade the friggin' CPU=3F!
>Well, to avoid bad customers who upgrade their PowerBooks instead of
>buying new ones ;-) Think of the shareholders. I'm bad for them, since
>PowerBook is five years old, and my PDA nearly turns nine...

Mine is a first generation TiBook, and I only got it last year.

Your argument is only semi-solid ;=} as it always has been part of the
Mac-added-value that the individual CPU series used had stable and
reliable third-party upgrade paths, so you could keep the steep initial
investment in computer and peripherals working for you over a much
longer time...

Which is a problem for me as I'm unwilling to replace the perfectly
functional peripherals I have (Mac serial, SCSI, all on an old and
dying Performa) with new gear just because they don't play nice with
this friggin' PowerBook.

>I put a step by step example for setting up Bluetooth, and for sending
>and receiving BT-Obex items. It's here :

Very good! I have linked to that from the Blunt-Setup and the
MacOSBluetooth pages on the Wiki. Check
http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/index.php/UsingBluetoothIndex ,
maybe you can contribute some stuff. Or perhaps even integrate your
HowTo to the Wiki...?
    From Eckhart there is very little documentation on this (and I
rather have him work on Blunt 2 than do a job any newbie can do ;=} ),
so I always hope this can be produced by community effort. Bluetooth on
the Newton deserves a wider userbase--and better documentation.

>And, it's in French. The images aren't though.



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