From: John Hay (
Date: Fri Sep 23 2005 - 02:24:27 PDT
Friday, September 23, 2005 at 5:17:39 AM Eastern Standard Time
I guess it's just me but I never understood the utility value of
encasing things, like iPods, Newtons, etc.
These devices already have their own case. The Newton in particular was
designed from the blueprints to be durable, hence the folding screen cover.
Aside from cosmetic damage, isn't putting a case over a case like
putting vinyl slip-covers on your sofa?
The only legitimate reason I can think of for a case is if you are in a
mobile context and need extra protection from the elements, or just a
way to latch it onto your body. Other than that, take off the vinyl
slip-cover on your living room furniture and avoid the sweat ;-)
Too much thinking, I know.
9/23/05 DJ Vollkasko issued the following and I have taken literary
license to pass it along on a "Need to Know Basis" . . . ?
>has anybody heard from the Frozen Newton/Frozen Lid project recently?
>What's happening there, has any progress been made?
>Last I'd heard, Sonny was waiting for stuff or information from another
>Newtonian without which he couldn't start.
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