[NTLK] How I use my Newton

From: John Hay (OceanCity_at_mac.com)
Date: Wed Sep 28 2005 - 06:46:31 PDT

Koby Crooks Wrote:
>>I wanted to ask the list how different folks have their Newton 2x00's
>>configured? What add ons do you have? how have you modded it? What
>>software do you have on it that you love?

It never ceases to amaze me what my Newton 2x00's, made back in the late
1990's no less, can do, and do so so gracefully. Koby, here's a way I
use my Newton. I'll be half the people on this list have FORGOTTEN how
easy it is to FAX in and out of their Newtons ;-)

Not wanting to sit in front of my PowerMac inside the house on this
beautiful day, I took my Newton, along with a keyboard, and my
LapStand(TM) www.1234zzzz.com/pub/LapStand.jpg outside and sat down on
our porch overlooking the beach ;-)

Typed out a memo on the keyboard, routed it as a FAX to the recipient's
fax machine, plugged in my home phone line wire to the Newton Fax modem,
hit "SEND" and sent the FAX, all flawlessly, invisibly, simply, gracefully.

I then left my Newton hooked up to my phone line, set my Newton to
Receive a FAX automatically after so many rings [settings are in the IN-
OUT package in "extras"] and took a shower. When I got back to checking
my Newton I had received a new FAX reply and it was in my "IN" box. I
then viewed the new fax I just got, enlarging as needed, and was able to
perfectly view and read the fax along with graphics and text.

I then decided I might want a hard copy, so I plugged in my Newton with
the serial cable to my HP Laser Printer and printed out the two page
fax. It came out perfectly.

How can a device invented over a DECADE ago work so well, so
transparently, all the time?
Truly Amazing.

John www.1234zzzz.com/pub/BlindCourtesyCopies.html

This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries
Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/
WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/

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