If possible, I think that the best way to move from a primary 2100 to
a spare unit is...
Do a full backup of primary to flash card
Brain wipe the spare unit
restore primary backup to spare unit
The spare 2100 should now function identically to your original,
except for any software that uses the machine identification for
On Apr 1, 2006, at 9:12 AM, James Charney wrote:
> Hi-- I recently moved my data to my spare Newton 2100 after the
> dongle socket became loose in my regular Newton. That's another
> issue (repairing it). But the spare works fine and all my data
> transferred easily.
> There is an eccentricity, though since I'm using my spare 2100.
> when I try to fax a page from my Datebook (which is something I do
> routinely).
> With my old Newton, if I tap the fax button after the "envelope"
> Jim Charney
> --
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