I've been following this thread because I've never succeeded at
sending notes myself, either. I am also
> desperate for notes,
but have found a solution that works perfectly well for me. For
several reasons, I already have the web server software running on my
machine. I like using the Newton for my datebook, running it off a
browser, basically. Ethernet connections are not a problem for me.
What I do when I want to get a note TO the Newton is that I launch
the web server and put the message into the whiteboard. It chokes on
some characters (I use Tex-Edit Plus and its excellent "clean up
selection" to get rid of these sorts of problems) and has length
issues, but that's fine by me, since I rarely send large files. It's
really slick.
I am now awaiting the Pico bluetooth card so that I can simply use
bluetooth, OBEX, and the InOut box, instead. That seems somehow
simpler than launching a full web server.
I hope my solution is of interest and help to you. Good luck!
Michael Wittmann
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