Re: [NTLK] Major Accomplishments of the Newton Community

From: Apostolos Koutropoulos <>
Date: Sun Apr 09 2006 - 11:55:37 EDT

Great list! Thanks to all that gave me a good start (the wiki was also a
good place to see some of the accomplishments!)

Now for a follow up question:
* We have various online sources such as newtontalk which came in 1999.
* UNNA was founded in 2000 (based on the newtie award badge and copyright on
the page)
* We have various individual owned sites and the Newton Webring which
connects them
* We have the WWNC (which to my knowledge has been held twice and will
continue to live as long as we use our newts ;-) )
* We have the Wiki
* Newton NPDS (MY personal favorite and something that will blow people

Are there any other sources which I am forgetting? Other methods of
communication? I am pretty sure that there are still "local" NUGs.

Does anyone have any place that I can do research on the timeline of the
newton community - for example: NUGs started up, then various newton sites,
newtontalk, unna, etc. - I know I am asking a lot of, but I know you guys
are THE authority on all things newton ;-)

Oh, one last thing - UNNA has sort of a mission statement: " UNNA started
around September 2000, and was founded by Victor Rehorst out of the ashes of
the NewtonMAD Cleanup initiative. Today, UNNA has five mirrors, two
Canadian, two in the USA, and one in Germany."
Does the Newtontalk list have some sort of "mission statement" (either
implicit or explicit)

(also what is the NewtonMAD Cleanup initiative? - this is the first time
that I hear about this)

Again - THANK YOU!!! :-)

On 4/7/06 5:29 PM, "Frank Gruendel" <> wrote:

>> is there a list of accomplishments that I could use as prime examples
>> of the community's overwhelming success?

Technology geek

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Received on Sun Apr 9 11:55:31 2006

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