[NTLK] State of the NewtSync

From: Steven Frank <stevenf_at_panic.com>
Date: Thu Apr 13 2006 - 00:44:35 EDT

Is anyone "in charge" of NewtSync these days?
NewtSync has never worked 100% quite right for me, and I was thinking
about poking around in the code to try to figure out why that is.
The code seems understandable enough...

But I'm kind of scared of becoming "The Maintainer" of the project,
as I don't honestly know how much time/interest I'll have long-term
to contribute. I actually debated for a while if I should even bring
this up on-list, as I don't want to raise any expectations and not be
able to deliver.

Is NowhereMan still around / in charge of this? I'm basically just
wondering: if I SHOULD HAPPEN to find and fix any bugs, should I
submit the patches to someone, or (ulp!) roll my own release, or what?


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Received on Thu Apr 13 00:49:29 2006

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