On 13. Apr 2006, at 20:31, Michael C. Wittmann wrote:
> Now, though, when I try to transfer a file, I get a series of errors.
> First, it tries to find a receiver, and it prepares to send. A short
> view of the "page" being sent (where the sent amount gets shown as
> the page getting darker from the top down) comes up, but then "whoop"
> and I have:
> OBEX Protocol error: 401
401 is "not authorized". I guess you need to check on the Mac that
you allow access to the file transfer service. You can also see if
OBEX Object Push would work from the Newton.
> So I try send BtOBEX in InOut again, and I get the same error. I have
> gotten the -19000 error, as well (or was it -18000?).
These are errors indicating that Blunt is still active somewhere and
hasn't disconnected from the Bluetooth module properly. Only a
restart helps - that's one of the main reasons that I'm working on
Blunt 2 at the moment.
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