I'm glad you're enjoying these posts. I haven't verbalized my usage
patterns in years, but I'm finding that it helps me recognize weak
points. Mindfulness as a mantra...
> Thanks for another great post. You seem like quite a heavy user, and
> it got me wondering how your available Newton memory is holding up.
> I presume you keep most everything on a card? If the card were to go
> bad would it be catastrophic, or do you have an implicit backup from
> the email copies of things you send out?
In the past, before I had the web server, NIE, and blunt packages all
on the internal store, I used mostly just the internal store and
archived things to a card. I have three cards, 2 6 MB and one 8 MB
card. These are backed up by NCU roughly once a week - if they
change. One of them gets pretty heavy use, lately, since my long
archive of Notes resides there. All dates and todos are internal,
though at the end of a calendar year I invent some rickety way to
move them all to a card, just in case I ever want to know what the
hell I did back in 2003 or something. I keep the Notes on the card
mostly because of MoreInfo linking.
Most of my backup is in text files on my computer, though. I use
other, computer based note taking programs and prefer to reside in
text, so I have a "MasterNotes" folder that's organized like I
described in my wiki post. Everything ends up there, basically. Were
my Newton to die on me... I have another one waiting. And if that one
dies, I have an eMate which is too bulky for me, in truth. (Anyone
want to buy one for what I paid for it? $50... or trade a 2100...)
After that, I don't know what I'd do. I worry about losing cards,
that's the truth. But I really don't pound them hard, so I expect to
get a few more years out of them.
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