> >So, we've got about 2,000 people on the list here.
> >I am really curious to hear from the day-to-day users what a typical
> >day is like. Things like: what kind of work do you do, and how do
> >you use your Newton to help get it done?
I have had my eMate for about ten years now, right from the time they came
out, and it has to all intents and purposes been my main computer. I am not
very computer savvy, to put it mildly,so although I read with interest the
wonderful things that people on the list do with their machines, I don't
understand much of it and my machine does not have anything sophisticated on
it in terms of packages and so on, although early on I did buy the memory
expansion unit. I teach and write books, and the machine is perfect for both
those activities, I travel a lot and it goes with me virtually everywhere.
It has been many times round the world with me, and operated in great heat
and dust, and in cold and snow also. I cycle to work and it accompanies me
on the bike in my bag, keeps my dates and phone numbers.
The program I use the most is Newtworks, I find it excellent and certainly
enough for me. I know it is not that sophisticated, but it is easy enough to
download a paper and fiddle about with it on a desktop if one has to. I
don't use it for internet or email, just not very good for that, in my
experience. I don't use the handwriting either. In recent years I have
bought a couple of Newtons to take on especially difficult journeys, since
now I am getting rather concerned about what I would do if the eMate were to
die or become damaged. Its backlight has long since stopped working, but I
am too nervous either to repair it myself or send it off to someone else. I
am assiduous at backing up every week, so when the grim reaper finally takes
my little green darling away I can at least resuscitate my information.
At work they hand out to everyone who wants one a nice modern laptop, with
a big screen and the ability to do lots of exciting things, but after having
played about with them for a bit I return them and get back to my eMate. It
is exactly what I want.
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