Re: [NTLK] Newtons and Palms together

From: <>
Date: Thu Apr 20 2006 - 19:30:10 EDT

> From: "Joe Anthenat" <>
> Date: 2006/04/20 Thu PM 05:30:11 EST
> To: "NewtonTalk List" <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newtons and Palms together
> My sad Newton vs. Palm tale...
> Not sure what you can take from my story... For me, it was sort of a "No
> one can serve two masters..." issue. Apparently my Green doesn't run so
> deep.
> You know, it's funny though... Everyone in my house still refers to my
> handheld computer (currently the T5) as "your Newton"... And I still
> haven't been able to bring myself to unsubscribe from this list.

        You know, I have a similiar story.

        I've used a Newton since the 120 days and up until about 4 or 5 years ago, I used a 2100. I use small, AA-powered computers as alternatives to laptops for e-mail, newsgroups, writing and storing photos, etc. About 4 or 5 years ago I switched to a MobilePro 700 (monochrome, AA-powered, WinCE handheld/laptop). I needed something that would allow me to write and view/store photos while allowing easy access to getting the data from the H/PC to any other computer at any time without the need for snyching software and/or cables. The Newton proprietary format just wasn't cutting it. As well, the only photo program on the Newton was Tibet and that's only compatible with older, serial-based cameras...

        These days I still use the MobilePro 700, especially when we're camping/hiking, or a MobilePro 780 (colour version). It's usually equipped with a 2-gig CF card for storage. That's not to say it's better that a Newton, it's just better for me than a Newton at this time. I still have all my Newtons (currently 6 of them, 2 - 2100s, 3 - 130s and an eMate) and the 2100s are still in use (not every day, but they ocassionally get a workout). I still find the Newton OS to be much superior to WinCE, it's just the Newton's proprietary format I have a problem with. You can't take a card out of a Newton and put it into any other computer and expect to read it...

        Anyway, I'm still on this list and read the messages every day...


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